The Quills and Quotes Chronicle
Start writing no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.
-Louis L'Amour
Observant Opinion Essays
"Our Shared Problem" Mia Ferguson, grade 4
"Driving Factors for Success" Michael Soares, grade 8
"How Covid-19 Changed Society" Davin Jain, grade 7
"Life without Competition" Ira Parasnis, grade 7
"Competition Is not about Winning" R.S., grade 6
"The Upside of Social Media" Rohan Jain, grade 8
"Abandoning Competition" Sophia Wu, grade 6
Compelling Cause and Effect Essays
"The Effects of Parents Helping with Homework"
Rylan Choi, grade 5
"The Causes and Effects of Illiteracy"
Aslan Ahmed, grade 9
"Life without Harry Potter" Ira Parasnis, grade 7
"Where Does Bullying Start?" Neve Adams, grade 7
"Educational Effects of Covid-19" R.S., grade 6
"The Educational Effects of Television" Arsalaan Bajwa, grade 6
Powerful Persuasive Essays
"Should Homework be Part of a Daily Routine"
Arsalaan Bajwa, grade 6
"Improve a Child's Happiness" Joshua Griffin, grade 6
"Why We Should Expel Bullies" Davin Jain, grade 6
"Bullies Should Not Get Expelled" Noor Atieh, grade 5
"Why Children Should Not Receive Money for Chores"
K.M., grade 6
"Chores Are the Best Thing for Children"
Sophia Wu, grade 5
Divine Descriptive Essays
"Am I Mad?" Rylan Choi, grade 5
"The Card Players" Renaaz Khan, grade 8
"The Locked Room" Michael Soares, grade 8
"Irises" Kyra Ma, grade 6
"My Poe Story" Ira Parasnis, grade 7
"Genghis Khan" Rylan Choi, grade 4
"Change in a Future" Arsalaan Bajwa, grade 6
Awesome Argument Essays
"Why Illegal Immigration Should not be Allowed"
Farah Atieh, grade 5
"Why Zoos Stink More Than the New Star Wars"
Sophia Wu, grade 5
"Why Technology Creates Social Isolation"
Rishi Yerubundi, grade 7
"Preventing Misinformation via Government Regulation"
Aslan Ahmed, grade 9
"Banning Cell Phones in the Classroom"
Rohan Jain, grade 8 student
Everybody walks past a thousand story ideas every day. The good writers are the ones who see five or six of them. Most people don’t see any.
-Orson Scott
"Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing."
-Benjamin Franklin
Write on Q and Q
“You don’t start out writing good stuff. You start out writing crap and thinking it’s good stuff, and then gradually you get better at it. That’s why I say one of the most valuable traits is persistence.”
― Octavia E. Butler
“Life isn't about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself.”
― George Bernard Shaw

Student Accomplishments
2020, 2019 Mentor College, Class Champion, Speech Contest
2020 Optimist Junior Oratorical Speech Contest, 3rd place, Speech Contest
2020 New York Times Student Editorial Essay Contest, Participant, Essay Submission
2020 Goi Peace Foundation Narrative Essay Contest, 7 Participants, Essay Submissions
2020 8th Annual New York Times Vocabulary Contest, Video Submissions
2020 Dandelion's Autumn Microfiction Contest "Quill", Essay Submission
2020 The Betty Award for Original Short Story, Essay Submission